Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Business Etiquette in Other Countries

1. What is a Handshake?

  • Meet
    • Bow
    • Don't make eye contact
    • Back straight and hands by side
    • Longer bow = more respect
  • Depart
    • Bow again when you leave
  • Accept a gift
    •  Gifts may be presented during a meeting. Not mandatory for you or your host, but it always makes for a nice gesture. 
    • When receiving a gift, make sure that you show your appreciation and thank everyone who was involved in its presentation. 
    • If the gift is wrapped you should wait until you leave to open it.
  • Share business cards
    • business cards are a "must have"
    • given out at every meeting
    • Don't put someone's card in your pocket in front of them after receiving it

Germany: http://businessculture.org/western-europe/business-culture-in-germany/meeting-etiquette-in-germany/
  • Meet
    • Firm but quick handshake
    • Say "hello"
    • Be polite and hospitable --> Small talk is generally not used
  • Depart
    • Handshake
  • Accept a gift
    • Say thank you when gift is received
    • Send a thank you note after the meeting
  • Share business cards
    • Exchange business cards
Poland: http://businessculture.org/eastern-europe/poland/business-etiquette/
  • Meet
    • Firm handshake
    • Direct eye contact
    • Polish men sometimes kiss a woman on the hand to show respect
  • Punctuality
    • Punctuality is expected and taken very seriously.
    • People in higher positions might arrive late to a meeting, in order to demonstrate their status and importance within the company hierarchy.
  • Accept a Gift
    • It's expected that gifts will be given at the initial business meeting and upon the conclusion of any business arrangement, such as when a contract is signed.
    • Gifts are usually opened immediately and shouldn't be too expensive.
  • Eye Contact
    • Always maintain eye contact while speaking, otherwise is disrespectful
Sweden: http://businessculture.org/northern-europe/sweden/meeting-etiquette/
  • Meet
    • handshakes are the accepted form of greeting and make eye contact
    • handshakes are brief and firm between men, but lighter between a man and woman
  • Depart
    • firm handshake and direct eye contact
  • Accept a Gift
    • in business dealings, gifts are rarely given at the beginning of a relationship
    • however, it is appropriate when you are closing your transaction
  • Share Business Cards
    • business cards are usually exchanged when meeting for the first time

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